Latest information on Resaca Battlefield Park
Note: This is taken from the most recent newsletter of the Georgia Battlefield Association. Thanks to Charlie Crawford for his kind permission to reprint it here.
January 2010 - New hope for Resaca Visitors Center The state government's lack of interest may ironically bolster the chances for a visitors center at Resaca. As reported in the September 2009 newsletter, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) suspended construction of the visitors center on the state-owned 505 acres west of I-75 (see map). Gordon County, realizing the potential of the site, negotiated with DNR about transferring funds so that the county could build the visitors center, access road, parking, historical markers, directional signs, etc. At the request of Friends of Resaca Battlefield, GBA contacted the Gordon County Commission to support the proposal, and the commissioners voted in favor on 20 November. The state Board of Natural Resources then approved the proposal on 2 December. In essence, the intergovernmental agreement transfers $3,378,000 from the state government's project account to Gordon County. In return, the county is to build the visitors center, access road, etc., by July 2013 and operate the resulting facility under the same rules that would apply to a state park for 50 years.
The agreement revives hope that some facility will be in place during the Sesquicentennial.
The map below roughly indicates all the various parcels of land FORB is currently attempting to preserve.