Faces of the Battle of Resaca...

In honor of human bravery under fire.

We hope to include as many photos of participants in the battle as possible. If you have an image to share please contact us. We require the name, rank, unit information, and if the person was killed or wounded at Resaca. Names are arranged in alphabetical order. Thank you.

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Previously Submitted Ancestor Photos...

Lieutenant Non Quincy Adams,
Co. A,
27th Mississippi

Pri. Stephen
57th Alabama

Cpt. John H. Andrews, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters
Pri. J.T. Armstrong,
Co. D. 42nd GA
leg wound
Pri. James Armstrong,
72nd Indiana
Pri. William Atkinson,
72nd Indiana
Pri. George M. Baker, Co. D, 136th New York
arm wound
Pri. Henry Ira Banks, Co. E, 102 Illinois
Sgt. Lorenzo A. Barker, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters

Private Thomas J. Barnes, Co. C,
42nd Illinois

Pri. John Samuel Black, 9th KY Cavalry, CSA

Pri. Andrew Blodgett,
39th Iowa

Pri. Daniel Bloomer, Co. D, 125th Ohio
Cpt.William S. Boyd, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters
Lt. Asa Boydston, Co. H., 35th Tennessee
Lt. James Madison Boydston, Co. D., 4th GA Cavalry
Pri. William Boydston, Co. D., 35th Tennessee
Cpl. James P. Bunch, Co. B.,
8th Tennessee, US
Elias Boyer,
Co. D,
46th Penn.

Private William Brown, Co. C,
42nd Illinois

Private Alison L. Bryant, Co. G, 23rd Michigan
Private Joseph Allen Bryant, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Pri. Wiley Burns,
70th Indiana
Corporal Hugh Butterfield, Co. A, 102 Illinois,

Captain Charles Earle Bussey,
Co. I,
38th Alabama

Col. Patrick E. Burke. 2nd Bde., 2nd Div., XVI
died of wounds

Corporal Hugh Butterfield, Co. A, 102 Illinois,
Elijah V. Cain,
46th Pennsylvania.
Colonel Daniel Cameron, 65th Illinois "Scotch" Regiemnt
Sergeant Newton Cannon, Co. I, 11th Tennessee Cavalry
Pri. L.J. Calhoun, 32 Alabama
Cpt. C.H. Calmer, 19th Michigan
Private Luther R. Carver, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Cpt. Willard S. Chapin, Co. C, 136th New York
Private Milligan Chester Daniel, Co. D, 39th Georgia Private Daniel Chitwood, Co. A, 23rd Georgia Private John Chitwood, Co. A, 23rd Georgia Private Pleasant Chitwood, Co. A, 23rd Georgia
Pvt. Cornelius Christian, Co. I, 25th Michigan,
hand wound
Pvt. John Cox Clower, Co. I, 73rd Illinois
head wound
Private John Cochran, Co. H,
141st New York, head wound
SGM Drury D. Coffey, 58th North Carolina
Sergeant William Coleman, Co. C, 63rd Indiana
died of wounds
Col. John Francis Conoley, 29th Alabama
Col. Gustave Cook, 8th Texas Cavalry

Sergeant James L. Cooper, Co. C, 20th Tennessee,
neck wound

Private Joseph Phillips Cooper, Co. E, 13the AL
arm wound

Pri. Calvin Jones Cottrell, Co. I, 58th North Carolina
face wound
Private Jacob Cumley, Wisconsin C-3
Sergeant Ferrel H. Dagley, Co. E, 3rd Tennessee,
thigh wounds
Cpl. George W. Davis, Co. K., 37th Mississippi
Pri. Wesley W. Day, Co. F., 70th Indiana
leg wound
Pri. Ernest Damkoehler, Co. I., 26th Wisconsin
Pvt. William Watt Duvall,Co. I, 39th North Carolina
Pri, Addison Ewing, 63rd Indiana
Pri. Jacob Farmer, Co. D., 70th Indiana
died of wounds
Pvt. George Fehrenbacher,Co. F, 80th Indiana
Pri. Harvey Fisher, 102nd Illnois Pri. William Follett, 112th Illinois
Pvt. Abraham Forth, Co. C., 48th Illinois Pvt. Ike Forth,
Co. G, 111 Illinois
Pri. Orlando French,
75th Illinois
Pvt. Thomas O. Fretter,Co. H, 103rd Ohio
Pvt. David George, Co. G., 118th Ohio
died of wounds
Pri. Milo Gorden, Co. E, 141st NY
Pri. James T. Guilliam,
Co. I, 4th Kentucky
arm wound
Colonel Gerhard Hagerman,
30th Ohio
Captain George Harper, 58th North Carolina
Corporal Albert Harris,
Co. F, 10th Ohio
Priv. Reuben Hendrickson, Co. F, 27th Indiana
Private, William G. Hennington, Co. B. 36th Miss
2nd Lieut. Edgar J. Higby, Co. C, 33rd Ohio,
Private Orlando Higgins, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Private George Barcroft Hill, Co. I, 10th Texas Cavalry (dimounted) Pri. William Wallace Hill, 10th Ohio Cavalry
Pri. William D. Holyfield, Co. F., 25th Alabama
Pvt. David Howard, Co. C., 129th Illinios
Pri. David F. Huddleson,
Co. E, 17th Alabama
Private. Alfred Huetson, Co. A, 129 Illinois
Pvt. Frederick Huetson, Co. A, 129 Ilinois
discharged for wounds
Pri. Aaron Huisman,
118th Ohio
Pri. Walter Huisman,
118th Ohio
Pri. Washington Ives,
4th Florida
Corporal Christian Jacobs, 44th Illinois,
head wound
Pri. Thomas Johnson, Co.E., Co. E, 125th Ohio

Private Owen R. Jones, Co. C,
42nd Illinois

Pri. William B. Justice,
Co. B, 10th Texas
Pri. George Kern, Co G., 108th Ohio
foot wound

Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Kilpatrick, 3rd Div. Cavalry US
leg wound

Lt. Col. Robert L. Kilpatrick, 5th Ohio
Pri. John Klingaman, Co. I, 88th Indiana
Pvt. Henry Knippenberg, 105th Illinois
Private John Christian Kohls, Wisconsim C-3
head/leg wounds
Pri. George Edward Lamb, Co. K, 105th Illinois
leg wound
Private William Ledbetter, Co. E, 31st Alabama
eye wound
Col. George W. Lennard, 57th Indiana
Private Henry F. Leonard, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Private George W. Lewis, Co. G,
70th Indiana
arm wound
Private Thomas H. Lewis, Co. B, 63rd Indiana
Pri. Phillip Liebenstein, Co. B, 26th Wisconsin
arm wound
Pri. Robert H. Lindsay, 4th Kentucky, CSA
Corporal John Lippicott,
102nd Ilinois
Captain William Logan, Co. C., 12th Georgia
leg wound
Pri. John Lootz,
Co. B, 81st Ohio,
leg wound
Cpl. William H. Love, Co. C, 28th Alabama
Captain Charles L. Lumsden, Lumsden's Battery, CSA

Sgt. Jacob McAtee, Co. G, 65th Indiana
leg wound

Pri. Joshua Sexton McCauley, Co. E, 27th Mississippi
leg wound
Private William McConchie, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Cpt. Edward Irvine McDowell, Co. I, 15th Kentucky
Chaplin James P. McMullen, 42nd Alabama
Col. Samuel King McSapedden,
19th Alabama
Private Rueben H. Nations, Co. I, 12th Louisiana
Pri. William R. Norton, Co. A, 54th Alabama Pri. James Nye, 53rd Ohio
Pvt. Samuel C. Onson, Co. B. 21st Wisconsin
chest wound
Pvt. John M. Ownbey, Co. B, 6th Georgia Cavalry
Col. Emerson Opdycke, 125th Ohio
arm wound
Pri. Oren V. Payne, 125th Ohio
Pri. Joseph Peters Co. F, 129th Illinois
Lt. Alexander Petrie, 112th Indiana Pri. Jesse Phillips, 9th Illinois Mtd Infantry
Private Jacob Piatt, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Rev. John Calvin Portis, Co. B, 8th Mississippi
arm wound
Adj. E.M. Prutzman, 25th Michigan
Pri. William S. Purswell, Co. G, 29th Alabama
jaw wound
Pri. Peter Ragel, Jr., Co. B, 27th Indiana
shoulder wound
Captain Thomas Ragland, Co. H, 17th Alabama Pri. John Ray, Co. F, 26/50 Alabama
Private John Reed, Co. C, 5th Kentucky, CSA
Dr. James T. Reeves, Surgeon, 21st Wisconsin
Lt. J. Ames Rawley, 20th Tennessee
leg wound
Pri. Elias Reigle,
66th Illinois
Pri. Martin Van Buren Reigle, 49th Ohio Pri. Phillip Reigle,
66th Illinois
Colonel James W. Reilly,, 1st Brigade, Cox's Division, 23 Corps
Private David F.C. Rhoad, Co. G, 36th Alabama
Pri.Abraham Ritchie, Co. D, 10th Ohio Cavalry Major Rudolphus Robbins, 55th Ohio
Pri. Edwin H. Robinson, Co. H, 2nd Alabama Cav leg wound Pri. Lewis D. Roberts, Co.F., 25th Michigan
Pri. Beckwith Rogers, Co. G., 63rd Indiana Pri. James Rogers, Co. G., 63rd Indiana
hand wound
Pri. Samuel C. Rosenberry, Co. I, 103rd Ohio
1st Cpl. John Curtis Russ, Co. D., 19th Alabama
Pvt.Fredrick Carl Schmidt,
Co. H, 36th Illinois
2nd Lt. Levi Tucker Scofield, Co. E.,
103rd Ohio
2nd Lt. Egbert M. Scudder, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Pvt.Christian Joseph Sensenbaugh,
Co. I, 93rd Ohio
Pvt. Charles T. Shanner. Co. A,
63rd Indiana
Pvt. Willis Shattuck, Co. K,
73rd Ohio
Private Monroe Sheffield, Co. C, 23rd Alabama Pri. William Thomas Shore, Co. F, 112th Illinois
foot wound
Pri. Michael Shuffett, C. A, 13th Kentucky, USA
Thomas Ship,
Co. C,
63rd Indiana
Pri. Aaron
Smart, Co. A, 111th Ohio
Sgt. Charles H. Smith, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters
Pvt. John Henry Smith, Co. K, 42nd Georgia
Captain John M. Smith, 105th Illinois
Private Joseph Spitzer, Co. C, 1st Wisconsin
died of wounds
Col. Sidney S. Stanton, 28th Tennessee, CSA
Private John Stark, Co. H, 42nd Georgia
ear wound
Lt. Daniel M. Stearns,
104th Ohio
Private Philip D. Stephenson, Co. K, 13th Arkansas
1st Lieut. William C. Stewart, Co. E, 23rd Michigan
Col. I.N. Stiles,
63rd Indiana
Private Andrew Striegel, 27th Indiana
Private Robert H. Strong, Co. B, 105th Illinois
Pri. William H. Stubbs, Co. C, 18th Alabama
Pri. John Wesley Swick, Co. K, 66th Illinois Private Henry Franklin Synder, Co. D, 43rd Ohio
Col. Marion Taylor, 15th Kentucky, USA
1st Lt.. Summerfield Thomas, Co. G, 70th Indiana
head wound
Pri. Decatur Teague, Georgia Unit Unknown
Sgt. Albert C. Thompson, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters
Pri. Leroy Smith Tidwell, Co. D, 39th Georgia
Pri. M. Van Buren Treadway, Co. I, 47th Ohio
died from wounds
Brig. Gen. William F. Tucker, Tucker's Brigade
arm wound
Pri. Evert Voorhees, 136th New York
Sgt. Georga W. Vrooman, 100th Ohio
Pri. Bartlett Wade, Co. F, 63rd Indiana
2nd Lt. John Wallace, Co. C,
42nd Illinois
Pri. William Hill Wallace, 10th Ohio Cavalry
Pri. Thomas Wesley Wallingsford,
51st Tenn., CS
Pri. Calvin M. Ward, Co. D,
70th Indiana
Brig, Gen. William Thomas Ward,
XX Corps
leg wound
Pri. John Wells,
Co, D., 5th Tennessee, US
Pri. Charles Weniger, 15th Missouri
hip wound
Lt. Col. Gabriel C. Wharton, 10th Kentucky, US
Private George W. Wheless, Co. H, 37th Georgia
Pri. William F. White, Co. F, 63rd Indiana
Pri. George W. Whitecotton,
37th Georgia
Pri.G.L. Williams, Co. D, 39th Georgia
1st Lt. Robert J. Williamson, 66th Illinois, Sharpshooters
Cpt. David A. Willard, Co. G., 1st Wisconsin Cav
knee wound
Brig. Gen. August Willich, 3rd Div., IV Corps, US
shoulder wound
Capt. Charles Woeltge, Co. I, 111th Penn.
Pri. Jonathon Woods, Co. C, 63rd Indiana
arm wound
Pri. Fletcher Woolsey,
17th Iowa
Lt. Col. George W. Wright, 103rd Illinois
Pri. A.H. York,
Co. A, 1st Georgia Cavalry

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