Battlefield Historic Site
Update! The Opening Ceremony Agenda added!
May 8, 2016 -
Here is the Offical Agenda of the Resaca Battlefield Site Grand Opening:
Grand Opening Resaca Battlefield Historic Site
May 13, 2016 at 3 p.m.
Posting of the Colors - Gordon County Sheriff’s Honor Guard
Welcome – Commissioner Chad Steward, Gordon County Board of Commissioners
Invocation – Jule Medders, Friends of Resaca Battlefield
Site History & Special Recognition – Ken Padgett, Friends of Resaca Battlefield
Guest Speaker - Representative John Meadows, Georgia House of Representatives
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – Gordon County Chamber of Commerce
Firing of Honor Volleys, Georgia Division of Reenactors
Moment of Silence
“Battle of Resaca” – Written & performed by Jule Medders
Site Tours - Provided by Friends of Resaca Battlefield
Special Appreciation:
Friends of Resaca Battlefield Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Gordon County Board of Commissioners
Gordon County Sheriff’s Department
Gordon County Chamber of Commerce/Convention & Visitors Bureau
Members of the Gordon County Board of Commissioners, the Friends of Resaca Battlefield executive committee members, along with other key local historic and political officialsaccepted the operational responsibility for the Resaca Battlefield Historic Site at a work session last week. Plans will begin immediately to prepare the Park for the Grand Opening in mid-May. The Park will initially be staffed on a part-time basis. Generally, open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
February 6, 2016 -
It is now official. As of 02/01/16 the Gordon County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously by resolution to accept the Resaca Battlefield Historic Site from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
This complicated and exhausting twenty-year effort by the nationally known Friends of Resaca Battlefield, Inc. has finally paid off. To date, the Friends of Resaca Battlefield has been the driving force to protect and preserve approximately 1,100 acres on four different points of the famous 1864 Gordon County, Georgia battlefield. This was accomplished through land purchase and conservation easements, resulting in two major Civil War historic parks.
With the addition of the Resaca Battlefield Historic Site to a long list of key areas including, Fort Wayne Historic Site, the Resaca Confederate Cemetery, the WPA Roadside Park, the conservation easement property, and the State's oldest annual Civil War Reenactment held the third weekend in May, we are looking for Gordon County to become a national tourist destination.
These protected historic areas are the result of many agencies working together, Friends of Resaca Battlefield, Gordon County Board of Commissioners, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Civil War Trust, Trust for Public Land, Georgia Battlefield Association, Gordon County Historic Preservation Commission, Gordon County Parks and Recreation, and others.
Friends of Resaca Battlefield President, Ken Padgett stated "I can't say enough about our working relationships and appreciation to these organizations and our national membership that teamed together to complete these projects for the public and future generations to enjoy. Looking forward, we still have a lot to accomplish."
The Grand Opening dedication will be held on May 13, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at the Resaca Battlefield Historic Site. More details of the Grand Opening should be forthcoming but please make your plans now to attend. This is not another "false alarm" nor is it subject to delay. The battlefield we have fought to interpret and preserve for so long and hard will be yours on May 13!